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  • Agastya Shah

Why are iPhones so Popular?

Updated: Oct 21, 2020

You all know it. Ask anybody which phone do they use and the majority would say “An iphone”.  Hate it or love it, Apple is one of the most powerful brands in the world as most of its current global success is largely due to its smartphones. But the question is why do most people use iphones?

This is because most of the consumers get influenced by Apple’s advertisements. Apple’s ads always show cool, trendy, laid-back people and emphasize on how easy everything is with their products. Who wouldn’t want that, right? Besides the ads, Apple uses other methods to boost its brand recognition. The company gives free products to TV and movie production companies to use during shoots, making them more represented on screen than they are in real life. Apple also offers discounts on their flagship phones for educational purposes. Universities and their staff and students can use them, which gives Apple a sizeable chunk of that market as well.

However the two main reasons as to why most people (who are apple fanboys) use iphones is because of Apple’s ecosystem and their quality of products. One of the iPhone’s best features is its seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. This means that apple ensures that their products work together for the user’s convenience. An apple ecosystem would apply to those who own several apple products. While it’s often called a “walled garden”, because of how strictly Apple controls it, the tightly controlled ecosystem also allows for better software optimization and ease of use. Users that rely on iphones for personal use enjoy a relatively hassle-free experience when it comes to cooperation between the devices.

Perhaps the biggest reason why users stick to iphones (especially in the Unites States) is because of iMessage. Programs like Apple’s iMessage have created separation between iPhone users and their peers that use Android. iMessage is the connective tissue. It’s quick work chats; it’s sharing location on the way to a meeting or dinner; it’s sending a GIF of a hug to a friend who is having a bad day. In short iMessage has some really cool features while yet simple to use. Although many people have started using whatsapp, many still refuse to make the shift.

Another feature that enables people to stick with their iphone is the OS system called IOS. All android phones for example have their own respective operating system.(not IOS). What makes IOS special is its “user friendly” experience that it provides to the consumers. Also IOS frequently enables its consumers to update to its latest software versions as soon as it is released. Whereas in the case of Android OS it can take months for the phone to update to the latest version of its OS.

Lastly, people buy iphones because “it’s made by Apple”. Due to its high prices, iphones are considered as a status symbol. For instance a company like Samsung, manufactures a variety of smartphones from low priced phones to high priced phones. Hence it is safe to say that almost everyone can own a Samsung phone. But, iphones on the other hand are always are expensive and so not everyone can own one. Apple has got the grip of human psychology, learned how to play with their customers’ minds their marketing and pricing. They make iPhones look like its the best thing that has ever happened to humanity. In this way they take advantage of their consumer’s loyalty and increase their profits. Having the latest iPhone means you are up-to-date with technology and obviously rich enough to afford it. Although almost all the flagship phones now have similar price-tags, having an iPhone is still considered a luxury to a lot of people and this is why people tend to buy it.


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Hi, my name is Agastya and I am from Mumbai-India. I am 19 years old and I have always been fascinated by technology. I have made this blog with the purpose of educating people who wish to learn more about technology , in particular mobile phones. Looking forward to you guys reading my blog! 

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